Toothpaste With Charcoal In It – Not As Weird As It Sounds

By | January 28, 2018

The Dangers Of Fluoride In Toothpastes
There are a lot of ways we take care of our oral hygiene, the commonest one would be in the form of tooth brushing. When we brush our teeth we usually do it once after breakfast and once after supper, or if we have the time also after lunch.

Tooth brushing is great, it removes the substances in our mouth that wouldn’t be removed by simply gargling water or mouthwash. The only downside of tooth brushing is the toothpaste that we use. We normally use a toothpaste that contain harmful substances like fluoride. Fluoride is known to cause cognitive problems, bone problems, and even cancer. We usually encounter fluoride in our everyday lives, like for example it is used to clean our tap water so that it will safe for us to drink. Although we do use fluorine on treating our drinking water, the amount of fluorine in toothpaste is in an amount where it has the capability of harming us, humans.

If you want to have those pearly white teeth but don’t want to risk the harms you may get from fluorine, you should consider using what we call as teeth charcoal. Charcoal toothpaste will help us in making our mouth clean and also for further teeth whitening.

The best thing about charcoal based toothpaste is that it does no harm to the body, unlike fluoride toothpaste. The activated charcoal itself can help the body to rid of toxins that we may have ingested by absorbing the unwanted substances in our body and expelling it when we go to the bathroom. Imagine that effect when we use it on our teeth, it would effectively detoxify our mouth.

What Activated Charcoal Does To Our Mouth
The activated bamboo charcoal that is found in teeth charcoal toothpaste has a lot of benefits to our mouth. Aside from not having any negative effects on our health, activated charcoal also can eliminate bad breath, balance the mouth’s pH levels and naturally whitens the teeth.